The 7 Styles of Learning

Everyone learns differently and handles every issues of life in separate ways; because, learning itself is a complicated concept. You probably fall in any of these styles of learning.

The Vanderbilt University’s Center for Teaching describes Learning Styles as approaches being used to describe how learners gather, sift through, interpret, organize, come to conclusions about, and “store” information for further use.

Check the list, you may be forced to tame your manner of letting peers and students understand your teaching, since what works for you may not work for others.

Visual (Spatial)

Those who are in this category prefer to use images, layout, color, mind maps, and various visual media. Before they could establish a firm understanding, they prefer the use of visual words i.e. replacing words with pictures, and with spatial organizations.

Verbal (Linguistics)

Both in speech and learning, the verbal learners assist themselves with some techniques that involve speaking and writing, and those that are word-based; such as scripting and reading content aloud. Some record their scripts using a tape, and use it later for reviews.

 Aural (Auditory-Musical)

People who fall in this category prefer using music, rhyme, rhythms, recordings and sound in their learning. When creating mnemonics or trying to get themselves into visualizations, aural learners prefer playing particular music that makes them want ‘to take on the world.’

Physical (Kinesthetic)

Learners that fall into this category make use of body, hands and sense of touch to practice skills and behaviors, as well as to acquire knowledge of what is being learned.

The “learn by doing” people also use all strategies of physical learning such as physical objects, drawing diagrams, and role-playing. They hereby acquire learning by focusing on the sensation they would expect in each scenario.

Solitary (Intrapersonal)

They prefer to learn alone using self-study and aligning goals and objectives with personal beliefs.

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The Best Learning Method not being used by Students or Teachers

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Logical (Mathematical)

Learners that fall in this category prefer the usage of logic and reasoning in understanding concepts. They have a good ability to understand the bigger picture, with the help of the urge to understand the reason behind the learning.

Social (Interpersonal)

Social learners prefer learning with other people; working in groups helps them acquire behaviors that in-turn help them deal with variations.

The above categories show that everyone has the potential to learn effectively if only the instructions could be passed via individual learning styles.

Overview of Learning styles -
Learning Styles - The Vanderbilt University's Center for Teaching.
Justin Ferriman. Learndash: Major Learning Styles.

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